Absenses and Attendance.
08 Jan 2019The structure of this course makes it critical for you to be in attendance. The way we’ll learn is through sharing of perspectives in discussions, through case studies and (guest) lectures, through in class exercises, and through discussion/critique of the work we make. This means it’s beyond important for you to be in class and on time.
Plain and simple, you should be in every class. You shouldn’t expect to receive a passing grade without regular attendance. More than three unexcused absenses means you will fail the course unless appropriate documentation is provided.
There’s a difference between excused and unexcused absenses. In most cases where you give some prompt or early notice, it’s considered an excused absense.
If you need to miss a class for any reason, inform the instructor before the class if possible, and/or after the missed class. More than one unexcused absence will adversely affect your participation grade (see section on grading). There’s a difference between excused and unexcused absences. In most cases where you give some prompt or early notice, it’s considered an excused absence.
If there’s an unplanned issue or you’re sick, let us know. Contact the instructor and the TA ideally before class if it’s possible and if not within 24 hours. If you have a planned, professional absense or will be attending a or school-related event (i.e. varsity sports trip), let us know as early as possible. Generally speaking, we’ll be very understanding and accomodating when you let us know ahead of time.
If you have an unplanned absence for medical or personal reasons, let the faculty know of your situation as soon as possible. In case of an extended absence for medical or personal reasons, contact the Senior Academic Advisor by mail, e-mail or phone, who will notify the appropriate faculty. Faculty reserve the right to request a formal document verifying a medical excuse.
In all cases where you’ve missed a class, you’re responsible for understanding the course content and future deliverables. Make sure you meet with a classmate to find out what material you missed or ask for help on the course Slack.
Attendance is taken for all classes. Note: It’s your responsibilty to make sure you have signed in.
Lateness will also negatively affect your participation grade. But remember that any lateness affects the whole class. It is disruptive to those presenting during a crit or those watching a screening; and it is particularly disrespectful to show up late to a guest talk. Being on time allows class to start promptly and for us to focus on your work. Be a responsible and good member of the learning community.
Lateness (more than 5 minutes) will negatively effect participation grade by 1%.
Extreme lateness (more than 15 minutes) will count as a 1/3rd partial absense.
When you’re in class, pay attention. Don’t be on your phone, texting, tweeting, emailing, etc. If you have your laptop out, it should be for taking notes or class related activities. For everything else, please close the laptop and silence your phone. It can wait. If noted, it will also reduce your participation grade by 1%.
This is especially egregious during crits and discussions. If noted, it will reduce your participation grade by 2%.
And if you’re asleep, you might as well not be in class. This counts as a partial absense (see above).
Attendance, Absences, Lateness and Effects on Grades
Students arriving more than 15 minutes late are marked absent for the day.
Students leaving more than 10 minutes early from class for meetings or other projects will also be marked absent for the day.
Except for the first day of class, students can miss class 2 times per mini for sections that meet twice per week. These course absences will be considered as free pass options and will not reduce that student’s grade. Additional absences lower their course grade by a letter grade per class.
This does not apply to final presentations, and/or milestone critiques/reviews where external guests/clients are present