Discovery II: Starting point

tldr; Report on one precedent or resource that immediately help you in your project, and you haven’t seen before, and you find particularly interesting. Share the example as a new Post in the #discoveries channel on Slack.

Outcomes: View Now

Learning Objective

The first phase of any project is planning. This is a quick assignment designed to help you gather the resources and assets you’ll need to complete your first creative assignment. The goal here is to find an resource that is immediately useful to you in how you approach your creative assignment. As part of this exercise, you’re going to search for one resource and report back on what you find. Together, we’ll prepare an inventory of resources to inspire and support our exploration on this first project.

As part of this exercise you might:

i.e. find something that is immediately useful to your project and can help advance it. It could be technical or conceptua.

By the end of this exercise, students will:


Basically find a starting point that you can borrow, extend or employ in your project. Create a Post in the #discoveries channel on slack that includes the label “#startingpoint” for grading purposes e.g. An open source nest #startingpoint.

It’s got to be something that you haven’t seen before, are relevant to the project and you find particularly interesting. So, the emphasis here is on discovery.


No two students may submit the same example/resource. Claim early and make sure you review each others work before posting.

Submitting your work:

Create a Post in the #discoveries channel on slack (see this guide on submitting your work for discovery exercises.

Important: Title your post with the name of the project and include the following label at the end for grading purposes “#producthunt” e.g. My example name #producthunt

In the post, embed a video and/or images of the project, and write a short critical reflection on the project (about 200 words) in which you:

Note: Create a separate post for each example.

Note: Follow the instructions carefully as these projects require you to follow the posting instructions to receive full grades.

Places to start looking

By no means an exhaustive list! You should explore beyond these!

Online Aggregators and new Sites

Conferences and Research

Labs and Agencies